What does the expression "taking it to the Nth Degree mean"? Maybe you've heard (or even used) that phrase but never gave much thought to its origin.
"To the Nth degree" comes from mathematics! N represents "any given number" and the "th" means "raised to a required power". It was first recorded in 1852. It's morphed into an idiom of English speech, especially in America.
If you are doing something or expressing a specific quality and revealing it to the utmost, to the extreme, or to the greatest amount possible (even when you don't know or can't comprehend what that actual fullness may be), then you've taken it to the Nth degree. In other words, you've maxed it out or maximized it, (the fast-food industry might even say you've up-sized it).
This particular figure of speech has come a little closer to home for me personally. The Nth Degree with Newby and Neeper is a weekly broadcast show of which I'm a part. Bralynn Newby and I produce this as a collaborative effort and take our conversations, where iron sharpens iron, to the Nth degree in front of our audience. Or, as Bralynn so brilliantly puts it, we take intimacy with the Father and pressing into the mysteries of God to the Nth degree.
We usually end up discussing, unpacking and summarizing revelation we've been gaining from Heaven in our own journeys and give our topics permission to go where they go. Deciding to be transparent with our audience about where we are, and how we feel, as we digest the mysteries of God is a step toward advancing anyone's spiritual conversation with whoever is in front of them, by providing fodder for conversation and exhortation to manifest the dual citizenship that comes from being a new creation in Christ Jesus.
You are warmly invited to join us by watching it (or hearing the audio as a podcast)! We haven't marketed The Nth Degree with Newby And Neeper at this juncture, but are watching who God will bring organically to invest 30-45 minutes in some spiritual gymnastics with us. I hope you will be one of those! Links to easily connect with The Nth Degree:
Being interviewed by Terry Spencer on his YouTube Channel.
Dwellhouse Productions YouTube Channel Playlist
Bralynn Newby's YouTube Channel Playlist
The Nth Degree with Newby and Neeper on Rumble
Here is the audio-only version in a Podcast on Spotify
Please subscribe so you'll hear us in your feed. I welcome your hellos, thoughts and feedback in the comment section of each platform. Together let's take God's abundant life to the Nth degree!